Lay it AllDown

Where do you find yourself in life at this moment in time?  Is anything left over from the year past which needs to be removed? What from your past is hindering you from moving forward?  What issues are you needing to deal with instead of ignoring? These are questions I ignored and buried for 29 years before I surrendered to the Lord and went through a Women’s Healing Post Abortion Journey Book and Post abortion Bible Study.  What I began to learn was the emotional energy I wasted all those years in worrying that someone would fid out my secret was only hurting my heart, not those who had hurt me.  I needed to open up my hopeless hurting heart and do some  house cleaning, or in this case, cleaning out the clutter from the old to allow the new to infiltrate my heart which had been waiting to be released. The Lord was waiting on my decision to lay it all down and surrender the chambers of my pain.  He wanted to walk a heart emotional healing with me, yet I needed to be ready.  

 The question I have for you, are you ready  to do what it takes to receive hope and healing, to find emotional healing from past trauma and begin finding self-worth: It’s a new beginning, a new chapter in your life and possibly your hurting, yet expectant heart!  You cannot do this by yourself.  You need a helper, a guide, someone who knows what is in your past to show you the way to unlock the hurt and letting it all out, to set your emotions free; to fly information according to where you are headed.

Allow the Lord’s light to shine on your heart, to penetrate deep inside the empty place and fill them with His everlasting love.  Don’t shy away from what is yet to come.  He has your life in the palm of His hands. He has a plan for you and He will be your guiding light as you walk out of the darkness your heart has been in.  The Lord Jesus breaks all bondage with His love and sets all captives free with His saving grace; something’s which takes place in your heart and begins to give your spirit life and a new hope.

The Father fills you with His strength providing you with joy everlasting, which only through your openness to whatever the Heavenly Father has for you will bring to you this joy.  His love encompasses you and washes away all you long to hide. His forgiveness is for the taking.  He is waiting for you to Lay It All Down at His feet and to receive His loving forgiveness in replace. Finding forgiveness within God’s grace is the blessing He has waiting for you on the other side of healing!, He gives it to you freely to carry you on until the end.  Open your heart to a new life full of hope and healing. Only through Jesus is this possible. Brick By Brick Healing His Way,  which is a resource for a Woman’s Emotional Healing Post Abortion Journey Book, along with a Workbook for post abortion healing Bible Study if you would like to go deeper into your healing.  This is a way to lay it all down at the feet of  Jesus and find freedom from your past emotional trauma; finding hope and healing.

Removing the Mask

April 28, 2015, Upper Room Assembly of God 

While sharing my testimony I used the analogy of my healing as wearing a mask. This mask is the invisible one we put on to keep our secrets safe.  While the show for others is appearing we have it all together, we are actually stifling our voice.  We aren’t allowing the truth to be exposed and we suffer in silence. We want to be  truthful to others ,yet the shame and guilt that has been buried for so long inside our hardened hearts has stunted our healing.. We each have worn an invisible mask at some point in our life. This mask covers up the real self of who we are, living in fear and hoping others will not find out our secrets. When we begin to remove the mask, we risk showing our true selves and allow our transparency to be another’s healing.   When we are transparent and begin to share our secrets, which contain deep hurt and wounds from the past, others begin to see that there is hope in sharing their own secret, and they see there is hope for healing. Once your secret is out and transparency has begun, the courage to walk in the vulnerability begins.

Being vulnerable has a cost. Are you willing to pay the price to receive your freedom waiting for you?  Jesus paid the price for you and I on the cross.  This Great Exchange offers us the freedom our heart longs for, from the emotional healing from past trauma an all the issues surrounding a woman’s abortion wounded heart.    Healing can begin when you are ready to remove the mask and do a Woman’s Healing Post Abortion Journey Book.  Brick By Brick Healing His Way does this very thing. It is a Women’s Healing Journey.  As you allow Holy Spirit to come in and walk this heart healing journey with you, you will begin to find Forgiveness within God’s Grace and find forgiveness in Abortion.  Once you take off the mask and allow your long awaited pain to come seeping out of your wounded heart, Jesus begins to fill your heart with His love and comfort.  Allow the tears to come flowing out.  They will feel different on your cheeks depending on the issue that each tear represents.  Do not hold back the tears. Tears were given to us by God to help us heal. They have a purpose.  They cleanse and heal the heart. In Psalm 56:8 it says,

“You number my wanderings; Put my tears into your bottle; Are they not in your book?”

My question is for you is: Are you ready to remove the old, worn out, tired and stressed mask in exchange for a new, fresh, energetic, and free life? Are you ready to find your voice and walk in victory?  It is time for the brick wall that you have been hiding behind to come tumbling down Brick By Brick! The fear that has stolen from you your freedom in walking in what your Heavenly Father has for you, He is waiting for you to remove the mask as He meets you where you  are on your emotional healing journey, giving you hope and new purpose.  His love will consume you as you learn to trust His ways.

Walk in the vulnerability of knowing the risk you will take for your own heart saves the heart of someone else when they find out, “they aren’t the only one”.

Healing Brick By Brick

Brick By Brick Healing His Way A Devotional and Journal for Healing a Woman’s Heart

~ a book by Keven C. Covert ~

Written to set the post-abortive heart free and confront the trauma associated. Women will begin their healing journey while learning to walk in victory.

This healing Devotional/Journal is a perfect complement to a post-abortion recovery Bible Study.  It deals with issues relating to Post Abortion Stress symptoms and offers hope and healing after abortion.  This is a personal journey to help one heal from their past experience, directly or indirectly relating to abortion. It also is designed for the person who has been affected by the experience of abortion through a family member or close friend.  The book gives the reader insight to how one who has experienced an abortion may feel. Many are filled with guilt after abortion; this book offers hope and healing after abortion and brings closure to the soul.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. ” — Ezekiel 36:26

Are you ready for the stone wall of your past abortion to come crumbling down at your feet? Can you feel the chains of anguish around your calloused heart unlock? Allow yourself to journey back to the past and confront the wounds of painful memories; in order to walk in peace and forgiveness through the healing touch of your Heavenly Father. In Brick by Brick, you will:

*Experience the comfort of the heavenly Father as He sheds light on your past

*Heal one wound at a time

*Surrender all your pain in exchange for love and acceptance

*Receive a restored and renewed heart

*Walk in the Fortress of Security God has prepared for you

*Claim the victory waiting for you.

As the Father walks with you on this journey, He will illuminate His light on the powerful brick wall you have built over time. He will take you to a place where your life will be restored brick by brick, healing His way.

To begin your journey of healing, please click the link below to be taken to the website of healing resources.  Both


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Women Of Faith Conference


I had an amazing time at the Westbow Book Signing on Saturday in Orlando, Summer 2015. I saw old friends from school, met new friends who have become special in my life, and shared the experience with a very special friend.  I was truly blessed to have had the opportunity to share my book with many ladies to begin a healing journey for their hearts, or the opportunity to use it as a tool for helping to heal others hearts.   I experienced tears of joy, hearts of thankfulness, and spirits who are ready to receive what the Lord has waiting for them; then going to share it with others. I can’t begin to express what this event did for my spirit.  Praise reports have come in since the event and women have been touch, healed and now walking in freedom.  It is our heart the Lord cares about and wants to be made whole.  He knows the timing and it is perfect.

Your Journey is not Alone

Your Journey is not Alone

Each of us in our life has had some type of journey to go on, whether it was spiritual, emotional, or physical.  You may have physically traveled on an adventure or climbed to the top of a mountain or you may have some trauma in your past which is now deep in your heart and the wounds need an emotional healing journey. You may at one time been very close to the Lord and walked away and He is drawing you back to Him.  That is a spiritual journey.

Whatever the journey may be, it will take time.  Did you get where you are overnight? Then it’s gonna take the time to get back or to reach another destination, go to another level, or to be healed completely from something from your past.  Know that as you begin whatever journey you need to begin you aren’t alone.  A woman’s healing post abortion journey book is a journey with your Heavenly Father to help heal the wounds from past emotional trauma through a healing devotional where you will be finding forgiveness in abortion and will find forgiveness within God’s grace.

Read the following devotion, which is from  Brick By Brick Healing His Way

The Journey

So do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. —Isaiah 41:10

Oh, My child, how I long to see you totally healed. It will be a process, a journey you will take while I lead, holding your hand. You will not be alone, for I am with you through all the painful memories that you will encounter. My love is strong enough for you. Hold on and get ready for the bumps, scrapes, and bruises. Yet My tender love and mercy will see you through all that is ahead. Depend on Me and My strength, for without Me you are nothing. It is My Spirit in you that will comfort you in times like these.

Nothing is hidden from Me. I see all. I see where you’ve been, where you are now, and where the road of your healing will take you. There is a victory at the end of the journey. It is My peace, which surpasses all understanding, that will get you through. Let go and let Me be God. Your healing will come in time. The healing process has to begin one stone at a time, one brick at a time, one boulder at a time. Soon the wall of pain will come tumbling down and I will be here to help you build a new heart that is no longer in the dark—a heart filled with light and My love.

Prayer:  God, hold my hand and show me how to walk this journey according to Your ways and will for my life.  I know You are with me.  I need Your loving arms around me as I walk through this journey of healing.

Thought Reflect:

:  What bricks do I need to deal with first?  Please show me, Father.

A Growing Heart

A Growing Heart

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns.” Isaiah 52:7
Recently my husband dropped me off in the Great Smoky Mountains to attend a  post-abortion healing retreat, Go Deeper Still. He then went to stay in a campground and have his own retreat with the Lord. The mountains are God’s country, so peaceful, and yet very unpredictable in the path you follow at times. You have to be an experienced backpacker to know what to do when the path takes a different turn than you expected. Serving the Lord is the same way. We need to be willing to leave our comfort zone and totally depend on the Lord and where He is guiding us. This can be scary at times, and to be honest, it has for me lately.
I was recently reminded the Lord gives us the grace to go to the next level He is calling us to. Let go of where you came from and move on ahead. This is how we grow. The easy way of life is an escape of what the Lord has for you, the hardship He allows you to go through, helps your growth and getting to the next level and blessings He has for you. Be adventurous and see where the Lord takes you.

A Servant’s Humble Heart

A Servant’s Humble Heart

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet”. John 13:14
Have you ever allowed someone to wash your feet clean and to perfection? If you are a woman reading this you have when you’ve gone for a pedicure! Sometimes your feet need extra attention because you have neglected them. You can’t believe you let it go this long. Yet when it’s all over, you walk away feeling lighter, refreshed and brand new.
Compare washing feet with what your Savior does for you. All of us come to Jesus broken with wounded hearts, trying to act like everything is okay. Yet our hearts are hurting and need Jesus’ cleansing blood to wash over us and begin to heal us. Many times He puts others in our path to begin to help us heal. We are Jesus’ hands and feet, His mouthpiece to serve others and meet them where they are. Are you willing to humble yourself and go where few want to go; to be a light in someone’s heart as The Great Healer uses you to serve and help others? Going to the messy, painful places with someone and walking this journey with them is not an easy task. Yet, the Lord will guide your steps and keep you humble along the way. In the end, the transformation of one’s heart is worth all you endured along the path.

A Reminiscent Heart

A Reminiscent Heart
“Be careful not to forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” Deuteronomy 6:12
Look back over your healing journey with the Lord, is it what you expected it to be? Maybe your heart healing journey just began and the road ahead is one of overwhelming uncertainty and apprehension. Or, maybe your journey has been heart wrenching and distressed.  As you travel down the healing path of a wounded heart no turn is smooth, many challenges are ahead. It’s a winding road full of vulnerability and surprises, both with the  exhilarating steep hills of reaching to the root of an issue, only to find around the corner a deep dive into the valley. In each turn are mixed emotions, even times where we want to put on the brakes and say, “I’m Done! No more feeling, I’d rather stay numb!”   Did you feel the  Father’s secure arms holding you when you felt like giving up, hearing Holy Spirit’s still small voice of encouragement not to give up? Were you able to see His hand upon your circumstances creating a way when there seemed no other way? 
The Lord has a purpose for all He allows in our life. We may not understand why, because His ways are not our ways. Healing His Way is not something we would choose for ourselves.  His ways confound those of us who think we are wise. He knows what we need to go through to find hope and emotional healing from past trauma.  Many of us who are on a Women’s emotional healing post abortion journey have made many turns to get to where we are in our healing.  Not one turn has been easy is the natural.  Jesus is the only reason we have gotten as far as we have. He is walking every step of this heart healing journey we are on.  Remember who brought you out of “your Egypt” and the life of bondage. The bondage of lies we believed we were because of the circumstances we found ourselves in. He saw our struggles and felt our pain; He sees our successes and feels our peace. He knows the road we are traveling and knows what is coming ahead before we ever see it. He is all knowing.
 Don’t look back and regret. We need back to see how far we have traveled, What did the Lord do to help us grow stronger in Him and become totally dependent on Him? Look forward to what is ahead. We may not know what is around the corner, yet our Lord does.  He’s with us as we totally surrender and trust Him to walk with us once again, on a new journey of growth.

Arleen’s Story

I have read dozens of self-help books and followed all their instructions and my life never got better.  I never found a book that addressed the effects of abortion and also offered a curriculum for healing.  This is what Brick by Brick Healing His Way a Devotional and Journal for Healing a Woman’s Heart and its accompanying Brick By Brick Workbook offers.  It reads as if God is speaking directly to the reader. An intimacy develops between our Creator and the reader so that the burden of pain can be shared.  There have been over 60 million abortions since 1973, when it became legal.  This translates to 60 million women and an equal amount of men that suffer from the condition of Post Abortion Syndrome, too many it is called PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.  I was one of those women after choosing abortion three times in my life.  I pray that these books find themselves in the hands of a wounded person so that they can be free from the prison of guilt and shame.  I have also learned that the effects are not limited to the parents but also to the grandparents.  I am such a grandparent.   As a phone consultant for the Abortion Hotline I met family members – sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles – that were affected by their family member’s choice.  The cancer of guilt spreads to everyone who learns about the decision and makes them feel that perhaps they could have done something.  We, who have found healing, have a strong desire to help others.  I believe that this is evidence of the healing that has taken place.   Under the direction of God Himself, Keven Covert was chosen to write these books as her contribution.  I admire her obedience and courage to take on such a project and on behalf of those whose healing will be found because these books are available I say Thank You.

Brick By Brick is  a Woman’s healing Post Abortion Journey Book.  It offers emotional healing from past trauma while finding forgiveness within God’s Grace and finding forgiveness in Abortion. Brick by Brick Workbook, which is a Workbook for post abortion healing which accompanies Brick By Brick Healing His Way. It allows a woman to begin her healing from her past and offers freedom in the process, finding hope and forgiveness from the Heavenly Father.  

Arleen Wong: Post-Abortion, Sexual Integrity and Co-Dependency/Anger Facilitator, Celebrate Recovery Training Coach